
Full Version: Don't be that guy. Pet peeves.
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One of my all time pet peeves.  I just sat down to lunch and an idiot in the next table had just finished his.  He took the opportunity to loudly blow his damn nose, along with all the bubbling snot sounds that comes with it.  Of course you have to look over, and I see him opening up his napkin so he can thoroughly examine what had just come out of his nose.  This has always grossed me out and I can't believe it happens as often as it does.

Go to the damn restroom to blow your nose.  Angry
Yeah, my nose for some reason always runs when I eat and I have to blow it to get relief.  I try to be quiet with it and when I do glance at the snot I'm just hoping I don't see blood.
People suck, some ***** kept farting on my airplane ride Monday. I thought I was going to hurl, it was bad. There is no escape from it, I tried holding my breath for as long as I could hoping I would just pass out.
(04-06-2021, 08:39 PM)AlumneyeJ93 Wrote: [ -> ]People suck, some ***** kept farting on my airplane ride Monday. I thought I was going to hurl, it was bad. There is no escape from it, I tried holding my breath for as long as I could hoping I would just pass out.
Sorry that was me, damn Colombian food.

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Clorox has come out with a beautiful can of spray that removes unwanted smells in nano seconds.....I  have used 2 cans last couple of years to save face in my room from time to time.

Ever sit across the table from one of these eaters before?  I have.  Gosh dang dude, you're not running a marathon, you are merely eating!
Constant dog barking.
There are  a lot of them out there. I had a guy sit next to me at a bar while I was eating and he started spitting chew into a cup. Disgusting to do in public anyway but right next to people eating? This wasn't a dive but the bar at a nice restaurant. 
In a class at ASU I heard snapping sounds behind me and a guy had out a big pair of clippers and was clipping his toenails. The things were flying all over the room. Oblivious to about 30 faces turned in disgust towards him. 
There are a lot of incredibly gross people out there.
(04-06-2021, 09:17 PM)I3rdgensooner Wrote: [ -> ]There are  a lot of them out there. I had a guy sit next to me at a bar while I was eating and he started spitting chew into a cup. Disgusting to do in public anyway but right next to people eating? This wasn't a dive but the bar at a nice restaurant. 
In a class at ASU I heard snapping sounds behind me and a guy had out a big pair of clippers and was clipping his toenails. The things were flying all over the room. Oblivious to about 30 faces turned in disgust towards him. 
There are a lot of incredibly gross people out there.

The VP of our company took his shoe and sock off during a meeting to inspect his ingrown toenail. I ***** you not, his foot was on the conference table in front of a group of 7 or 8 people. I've also had the unpleasantry of watching him shove a pen cap in his ear trying to dig out whatever was in there. This is an educated man with a masters degree.
(04-06-2021, 08:30 PM)TakeThePoints Wrote: [ -> ]One of my all time pet peeves.  I just sat down to lunch and an idiot in the next table had just finished his.  He took the opportunity to loudly blow his damn nose, along with all the bubbling snot sounds that comes with it.  Of course you have to look over, and I see him opening up his napkin so he can thoroughly examine what had just come out of his nose.  This has always grossed me out and I can't believe it happens as often as it does.

Go to the damn restroom to blow your nose.  Angry
Had a similar experience with a one time co-worker.   I looked at him and said "Hey nostrildamus knock it off.  I
I have beem in supervision and I coached for years.  I tell them all if you wanna piss me off roll your eyes or do that tisk sound with their mouths.  So many laps people ran because of it.
(04-06-2021, 10:42 PM)Soupcity Kid Wrote: [ -> ]I have beem in supervision and I coached for years.  I tell them all if you wanna piss me off roll your eyes or do that tisk sound with their mouths.  So many laps people ran because of it.
I used to coach at the middle school level, lots of eye rolls with 13/14 year olds. Yeah, I had a few running laps for being openly disrespectful, usually mouthing off. I almost always had the parents' backs. So my real pet peeve were the Karens (mothers or fathers, but mostly mothers) whining about their sons' playing time.  My response was usually kids earn playing time in practice, they need to be there mentally and physically the whole practice. And that they were welcome to come to practice anytime to observe. That usually kept the Karens away.
My pet peeves have often to do with traffic, especially with people cutting you off unexpectedly, and especially if they then drive much slower than you were.

My other is spitting in public. I give a pass to this for athletes that are in action.
(04-06-2021, 11:14 PM)ChinaBuck Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-06-2021, 10:42 PM)Soupcity Kid Wrote: [ -> ]I have beem in supervision and I coached for years.  I tell them all if you wanna piss me off roll your eyes or do that tisk sound with their mouths.  So many laps people ran because of it.
I used to coach at the middle school level, lots of eye rolls with 13/14 year olds. Yeah, I had a few running laps for being openly disrespectful, usually mouthing off. I almost always had the parents' backs. So my real pet peeve were the Karens (mothers or fathers, but mostly mothers) whining about their sons' playing time.  My response was usually kids earn playing time in practice, they need to be there mentally and physically the whole practice. And that they were welcome to come to practice anytime to observe. That usually kept the Karens away.
In college I ran the pee wee baseball league for the city recreation department.  High school kids volunteered (as in no pay) to umpire the games.  These were like 7 to 8 years old kids playing.  I had one game where a couple of parents (always seems to be women) harassing the umpires about their calls.  I didn't let it go on for long before calling time out.  I walked over to the fence where the offenders were and calmly advised that the umpires were unpaid volunteers, that we were trying to teach their kids good sportsmanship, and that I was sure that if anyone in the bleachers wanted to umpire, I would gladly let them take over for the remainder of the game.  Stone silence, and I didn't hear another peep the rest of the game.
People who are always late for everything.
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